
Sabun Limau Kasturi Alami Asli Original

  • Website URL: Limau Kasturi Alami Asli Original.mp4
  • Youtube URL:

√ Apa Itu Milagros Penjelasan Lengkap #AirMilagr

  • Website URL: Apa Itu Milagros Penjelasan Lengkap #AirMilagros ⭐ WA 081327570786.mp4
  • Youtube URL:

King poster | Facebook multi Group / Page auto post - PHP script

Kingposter adalah alat facebook auto poster dikembangkan untuk membantu Anda mengirim teks Anda / link / gambar / video di grup facebook dan halaman. Kingposter alows Anda untuk berbagi konten Anda dan mengarahkan lalu lintas Facebook ke situs web Anda / blog / halaman.

King poster | Facebook multi Group / Page auto post - PHP script


Sistem multi User
    Kemampuan untuk menciptakan peran baru dan kustom
    Kemampuan untuk membuat dan menampilkan kustom pemberitahuan kepada pengguna (dipisahkan gratis modul)
    Profil pengguna (tampilan berguna informasi ke admin)
    Sistem pembayaran melalui Paypal dan stripe (modul terpisah, tersedia dengan lisensi diperpanjang hanya)
    Wawasan kegiatan Facebook
    Sistem multi bahasa
    Instalasi super mudah dan sederhana
    Super mudah antarmuka
    Menyesuaikan tema warna dengan warna kepribadian Anda menggunakan colorpicker
    Ada facebook app ID / rahasia diperlukan
    Pendaftaran dan login melalui tombol login Facebook
    Multi Facebook account
    Kemampuan untuk menggunakan aplikasi facebook pribadi
    Kemampuan untuk menggunakan aplikasi facebook multi dalam account yang sama
    Otomatis beban grup Facebook / halaman dari akun Facebook
    Setiap pengguna dapat menggunakan Facebook aplikasi mereka sendiri
    Versi terbaru Facebook API dukungan
    Buat kategori untuk menyimpan grup / Halaman
    Ekspor kelompok id untuk CSV file
    Perpustakaan media: Upload dan menjaga semua foto Anda, video untuk penggunaan masa depan
    Tinjauan posting Facebook sebelum posting di real
    Meng-upload Video ke Facebook dari Youtube video link
    Posting 4 jenis Status, link, gambar (Multi gambar dalam posting), video.
    Mendukung Facebook Status latar belakang
    Mendukung Emoji
    Spintax konten pengacakan semua posting bidang mendukung Spintax
    Mendukung terjadwal & instan posting
    Menyimpan posting: menyimpan posting untuk penggunaan masa depan
    Interval acak
    Auto jeda dijadwalkan posting setelah sejumlah posting dan auto melanjutkan setelah waktu tertentu
    Auto ulangi jadwal: Auto ulangi jadwal setiap hari atau setiap dua hari atau bahkan setiap bulan
    Posting unik yang menambahkan ID yang unik untuk posting/pesan status dan link
    Dan banyak fitur lainnya




Ali Inspector v1.0.3.1 [win]

 Ali Inspector v1.0.3.1 [win]

 [Image: fLPSJCx.png?1]
3-in-1 AliExpress produk Research software sangat powerfull untuk meng Generates kata kunci Niche, menganalisis produk terlaris dan menyingkap produk atas melakukan Dropship untuk toko e-commerce Anda hanya dengan hitungan menit!


Keyword Generator Tool:
Langsung menghasilkan ribuan niche yang sangat tertarget sesuai kata kunci dalam hitungan detik, menggunakan alat generator kunci built-in.

Alat penjual terbaik:
Menganalisis semua best sellers pada AliExpress dalam setiap kategori untuk langsung mengungkap bagian atas yang menjual produk-produk untuk toko e-commerce Anda sendiri!

Alat pencarian kata kunci:
Cepat Cari AliExpress untuk setiap kata kunci yang menggunakan pilihan pencarian yang kuat untuk melihat bagian atas tepat yang menjual produk-produk yang Anda butuhkan untuk toko e-commerce Anda sendiri !

Pass: dontforgettorepkliopa10

√ Scott Oldford ✅ Leadcraft Masterclass Facebook Ads ⭐

Hi there!

I'm not sure if the GB for this is still active so I thought of sharing this for those interested... Please let me know or put this thread down just in case!

Want to start profiting with Facebook Ads?

√ Scott Oldford ✅ Leadcraft Masterclass-Facebook Ads ⭐

Watch over “my shoulder” for 6 weeks as I show you the tactics, strategies and methods that I’ve used to grow a multi-million dollar company (and that I’ve used to help grow a LOT of other companies)

Understand the basics behind Facebook and ensure you’re ready to actually run ads using your advertising account.
Understand the structure’s of campaigns and how to use the 3-Lane Method within your online advertising for success.
Develop your 3 Lane Strategy and your 4-Part Advertising Pyramid, giving you an insane advantage over the competition when launching your campaigns.
Setup and develop your audiences based on your own unique unfair advantages.
Setup and develop your customer conversions, allowing you to properly track and ensure that you’re ready for success.
Ensure that your online marketing funnel is fully ready to have ads deployed and your messaging and funnel flow allows for maximized ROI.
Develop your budget, understand your Green Lights and ensure that you’ll create a Financial Success Program Overview, allowing you to know exactly what we’ll be covering across the 6 weeks of the program

Understanding advertising copy, messaging and how it aligns with buyer mindsets.
Setup of Image-Based Conversion Ads and development of your 3 main lead generation campaigns.
Setup of your high-impact, low cost retargeting lead generation campaigns.
Setup and development of your budget distribution strategy.
Setup of your unique reach campaigns and retargeting.
Setup of audience segmentation and Green Light Distribution.
Launch of your first Facebook Ads.

First level optimization and assessment of advertising.
Budget distribution for lanes.
Planning and development of your Advertising Pyramid.
Development and launching of Lead Ads and Video Ads based on real-time market feedback.
Audience segmenting, analysis and optimization Q&A #1.

Deeper analysis and data action.
Development of audience and Awareness Ads.
Launch of Advertising Pyramid.
Development of Like Campaigns for higher-engagement.
Development of Page Post Engagement Campaigns, allowing you to create more attention and awareness with your audience.
Development of Video View Campaigns, allowing you to be omnipresent with your audience.
Creative types deep dive, allowing you to use types that make the most sense for your brand.
Brand voice and using Open Looping and storytelling.
Deeper optimization and audience split testing.

Profitability and ROI time periods.
Sale Ads using images, canvas, video and pre-selling.
Campaign optimization, and duplication.
Budget scaling and advanced tactics.

Advanced retargeting and Micro-Targeting.
Budget Cycling and Funnel Stacking.
Audience Cycling.
Final overview.

BITBOT! Bitcoin ROBOT Ver1.2.0

BITBOT! Bitcoin ROBOT Ver1.2.0
I have found many "Bot" scripts for this popular btc faucet site around the net - but most are BS or *Just Not working or stopped working because of updates with the site, and or browsers and specifically the iMacros addon..
So I decided to develope my own BOT that works with these latest updates.

Given that the rolling is provably fair, you can hit the $200 or $20 payout but it requires lots of rolls to achieve that.

That is where BITBOT Comes in .. Let BTCBOT roll for you 24/7 Hands Free! Set it and Forget It!

** Tip: setup BITBOT to run on as many VPNs / VPS on different ip(s) as you wish.
I have 60 ips (VPN) so this bot rolls every min 24/7/365 for me.
Obviously: the More rolls the more you win! And Increase your chance of wining the Higher payouts!

On average I make about $40 to $200 a week because the $20 payout Hits 1 or 2 times every week sometimes more..
One week it hit 4 times on one ip alone.
Anyway you get the idea. The more bots (rolls) the better the odds are in your favour.

Disclaimer: be warned this is gambling .. so you can experience different payouts, winnings than I do.
But that said: you cant lose. You will win min 46 Satoshi on every roll instance..and that really adds up with 0 work on your part. Thats the best part!

** Your Odds Increase Dramatically and Exponentially with BITBOT!

btw: Since I am giving BITBOT away for Free all I ask is that you use the link in step #1

Download Link - v 1.2.1 Latest Version


Step 1) Create a new Free Bitcoin (freebitco) Account : Here
** You can Create more than 1 Account to Run Script on other Computer (other IP address)
Please use This Link to register each account

Step 2) Sign up for an account on captcha service:
I have found that this captcha service is one of the best and cheapest.

Step 3) In folder http -> Open / Edit dbc.php ** Change To Your username / password-->
$username = "username";
$password = "password";
Save file Upload to your server
*Recommended* : best to use your localhost for security
or if you upload to a public hosting / server edit dbc.php
** See // SECURITY
Edit / Add your ip(s) to allow your ips(s) access only - uncomment code.

Step 4) In folder http -> Upload file: deathbycaptcha.php --> to same location as dbc.php ** MUST BE SAME AS dbc.php

Step 5) Install ADDON: iMacros:

Step 6) Edit bitbot12.iim line:1 SET !VAR1 http://localhost/dbc.php --> to url of your dbc.php

Step 7) Go To (windows): user\Documents\iMacros\Macros\ Drop in the iMacros: bitbot12.iim Script.
(linux) most likely found in home/iMacros/Macros/
or go to addons > iMacros > preferences -> Paths
to see where it is located. Or just copy and paste in #current

Step 8) click on bitbot12 -> Go to "Repeat Macro" Enter "Max:" no. of runs you like (Ex: 99999) or 24 for 1 24 hour day only..

Step 9) Play (Loop)

Thanks! And Good Luck!
Coming Soon.. BITBOT HI LOW .. The Hi Low Gambling Bot That Hacks the algo for Maximum Wins!